Friday, March 1, 2013

EmberJS - Putting a REST service behind the TodoMVC app

I'm trying to select a front-end framework for new apps - who isn't these days? - and in researching I came across Addy Osmani and company's fantastic bit of work:

After looking at this and some other stuff I decided to give Ember a try.

So why not start by hooking up a real REST service to this ToDo app?  But first I would need to understand how Ember communicates with the server.  A little research came up with the JSON Interface section in this post.

I'm working with a Grails server, so providing the REST interface was pretty easy, in theory.

In practice, I decided to use a plugin for the REST interaction, and chose the json-rest-api for its simplicity.  However I soon found out that it would not work out of the box - it needed upgrading to Grails2.1, and it did not speak the dialect of REST that Ember prefers.

So I set about modifying the plugin to support Ember-style, and maintain its original style as well. The resulting fork of the json-rest-api plugin is here.

Here are steps I took:

create grails app
  • grails create-app todo
  • add Todo domain class with fields from TodoMVC todo.js

install json-rest-api
  • added grails.plugin.location to the BuildConfig 
    • I already had this project downloaded locally
    • using grails.plugin.location means changes to the plugin are automatically picked up
        // Adding Plugin-in:  grails-json-rest
        grails.plugin.location.jsonrest = '/opt/projects/grails-json-rest-api'
  • changes to Todo domain class:
    • add static 'expose' to Todo domain class
    • add toJSON() and fromJSON() methods - my enhancement to the json-rest-api plugin to support i18n and custom rendering
class Todo {
    String title
    boolean isCompleted

    static constraints = {
        title(blank:false, nullable:false,maxSize:64)
    String toString() {
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder()
        sb.append("\n    id:    ").append(id)
        sb.append("\n    Title:    ").append(title)
        sb.append("\n    Completed:    ").append(isCompleted)
    // --- json-rest-api artifacts --- 
    static expose = 'todo' // Expose as REST API using json-rest-api plugin
                           //   this will be the entity name on the URL
    static api = [
        // If allowing json-rest-api to use 'as JSON' to render, you may exclude
        //    unwanted fields here (done with its registered ObjectMarshaller)
        excludedFields: [ "attached", "errors", "properties" ],
        // You may override how the list() operation performs its search here
        list : { params -> Todo.list(params) },
        count: { params -> Todo.count() }

    // This is the standard way to override JSON marshalling for a class
    //    It uses a ClosureOjectMarshaller[sic] to select fields for marshalling 
    //    It is less efficient for the plugin which is based on JSONObject, but this will be
    //    used if you do not define a 'toJSON' method.
    // NOTE: if using this approach, the json-rest-api marshaller will NOT be used, hence the
    //      api.excludedFields if defined will be ignored
    // Example taken from
    static {
        grails.converters.JSON.registerObjectMarshaller(Todo) {
           // you can filter here the key-value pairs to output:
           return {k,v -> k != 'passwd'}
     * Rending this object into a JSONObject; allows more flexibility and efficiency in how
     * the object is eventually included in larger JSON structures before ultimate rendering;
     * MessageSource offered for i18n conversion before exporting for user audience.
     * @param messageSource
     * @return
    JSONObject toJSON(def messageSource) {
        JSONObject json = new JSONObject()
        json.put('id', id)
        json.put('title', title)
        json.put('isCompleted', isCompleted)
        return json

     * Custom bind from JSON; this has efficiency since the grails request.JSON object offers
     *    a JSONObject directly
     * @param json
    void fromJSON (JSONObject json) {
        ].each(JSONUtil.optStr.curry(json, this))
        ].each(JSONUtil.optBoolean.curry(json, this))

install functional testing plugin
  • grails install-plugin functional-test
  • required to test the json-rest-api plugin (my change)

Added logging into Config.groovy

inside the environment {} block; also added similar to development {}

test {
        grails.logging.jul.usebridge = false
        log4j = {
            appenders {
                rollingFile name:"todo", maxFileSize:"10000KB", maxBackupIndex:10, file:"logs/todo.log",layout:pattern(conversionPattern: '%d{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss,SSS z} [%t] %-5p[%c]: %m%n')
                console name:'stdout', layout: pattern(conversionPattern: '%d{dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm:ss,SSS} %5p %c{1} - %m%n')
                //console name:'stacktrace'
            debug '','com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.WebClient','',additivity = true
            warn '','BuildTestDataGrailsPlugin','grails.buildtestdata',
            root {
                debug 'stdout', 'todo'
                additivity = true

create Todo functional test
  • using a Generic Mixin test class that I added into the json-rest-api project, resulting functional test class looks like:

class TodoFunctionalTests extends BrowserTestCase {

    def log = LogFactory.getLog(getClass())
    def messageSource

    void setUp() {
    void tearDown() {

    void testList() {
        genericTestList(new Todo(title:""))
    void testCreate() {
        genericTestCreate(new Todo(title:""))
    void testShow() {
        genericTestShow(new Todo(title:""))
    void testUpdate() {
        genericTestUpdate(new Todo(title:""), [title:"title.two"])
    void testDelete() {
        genericTestDelete(new Todo(title:""))
Wiring up the Ember interface
Time to modify the TodoMVC project to hook it up to my Grails app. 
  • pulled the TodoMVC source into my Grails project
  • modified store.js to configure the REST adapter - default is DS.RESTAdapter, but some changes were required:
  • modified the namespace to match my context and path that json-rest-api listens to (/api)
  • had to extend the built-in RESTSerializer to stop its crazy conversion of my camel-case field names into underscore versions
    // Override the default behaviour of the RESTSerializer to not convert
    //   my camelized field names into underscored versions
    Todos.TodoRESTAdapter = DS.RESTSerializer.extend({
       keyForAttributeName: function(type, name) {
         return name;
         //return Ember.String.decamelize(name);  // this is the default behaviour
       keyForBelongsTo: function(type, name) {
         var key = this.keyForAttributeName(type, name);
         if (this.embeddedType(type, name)) {
           return key;
         return key + "Id";
       keyForHasMany: function(type, name) {
         var key = this.keyForAttributeName(type, name);
         if (this.embeddedType(type, name)) {
           return key;
         return this.singularize(key) + "Ids";
    Todos.Store = DS.Store.extend({
     revision: 11,
        adapter: DS.RESTAdapter.create({ 
         bulkCommit: false, 
         namespace: "todo/api",
         serializer: Todos.TodoRESTAdapter
  • found out that Ember sends the entity name to the server in the plural form sometimes, and the json-rest-api plugin does not like this; modified the plugin to account for this. See this other post for the breakdown of Ember's REST dialect.

  • Found out that running in Tomcat7 did not allow changes to my JS files (grrr....)

    • Ran instead via grails run-app, and added a logger to the 'development' env in Config.groovy in support of this
    • (yes I tried fixing Tomcat by disabling caching/antiLocking in the servlet context)


    And voila - after modifying the REST plugin, the Grails app was pretty easy to accomodate to the Ember pulls. The resulting app is located here.


    Download the app
    git clone

    Download the fork of the grails-json-rest-api (at least for now)
    git clone

    Place them alongside each other and test the app by opening a console inside the directory and run:
    grails test-app -functional

    If tests pass then run the app via
    grails run-app

    If they do not pass, ensure the path to the json-rest-api inside of grails-app/conf/BuildConfig.groovy accurately locates the grails-json-rest-api plugin.

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