Using kubectl within minikube.
# from the minikube project page
curl -LO
sudo install minikube-linux-amd64 /usr/local/bin/minikube && rm minikube-linux-amd64
ll /usr/local/bin/minikube
alias kubectl='minikube kubectl --'
Minikube Control
minikube [start|stop|pause|unpause]
Minikube Inspection
kubectl get pods
kubectl get pods -A
kubectl get services
kubectl get services hello-minikube
kubectl describe pod headlamp-57fb76fcdb-f6bsl
kubectl describe pod headlamp-57fb76fcdb-f6bsl --namespace headlamp
Add-Ons and Services
minikube addons list
# install
minikube addons enable headlamp
# run addon with name
minikube service headlamp -n headlamp
# run addon
minikube service hello-minikube
# open browser to endpoint, when available from addon
minikube addons open <name>
# run addon when mk starts
minikube start --addons <name1> --addons <name2>
Deploy Service
kubectl create deployment hello-minikube --image=kicbase/echo-server:1.0
kubectl expose deployment hello-minikube --type=NodePort --port=8080
kubectl get services hello-minikube
kubectl port-forward service/hello-minikube 7080:8080
Headlamp Setup
# install addon - see above
minikube addons enable headlamp
# run addon with name
minikube service headlamp -n headlamp
# get login token
kubectl create token headlamp-admin -n kube-system
# metrics-server helps w/admin
# uses image
minikube addons enable metrics-server
# See for setup instructions